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Game Crunch

Aug 26, 2016

This week on Game Crunch: Nick offers up his final thoughts on I Am Setsuna before heading into his new games Danganrompa and Final Fantasy V.  Both Nick and Brandon took up the opportunity to try out Titanfall 2 during it’s testing.  Brandon follows that up with indie game Okhlos.  He also goes a bit...

Aug 19, 2016

This week on Game Crunch: Brandon brings No Man’s Sky to the table for discussion.  Is it worth a shot?  Nick takes a trip to Otakon 2016. He talks cosplay, panels and swag!  Meanwhile, as Mike adjusts to life back in the west he finds comfort, not in games, but in Stranger Things.  Things are […]

Aug 12, 2016

This week on Game Crunch: It’s time for a normal(ish) episode again!  Mike returns from Japan and South Korea and opens the table up for discussion about his trip.  What did he see?  Where did he go?  What did he learn?  Before that though, Brandon and Nick catch up on the games that they...

Aug 5, 2016

This week on Game Crunch:  The year is halfway over! Mike, Brandon and Nick decide to take the opportunity to talk about their favorite games thus far.  It’s like Game of the Year in August!  The crew talk about their favorite games that they’ve played and released through the end of the June.  Will...